
Homemade minion goggles
Homemade minion goggles

homemade minion goggles

Then, using pliers if needed, form a rough "hand" shape. For wire arms, just take a length of thin wire, and bend it in half. If you intend to use your minion as purely decorative purposes, you may want to use clay, or some other formable material. The minions in the pictures were first intended as note holders, so the arms were made out wire***. The composition and construction of the arms of your minion will depend on its intended use. Decorations, such as buttons and pockets should be done after the main piece is complete, with the capsule removed. You may want to attach the straps after making the arms, so you know where to place them. If you want to add straps, take small strips of the scrap fabric, and sew them on the inner part of the finished edge. Take them and fold them together towards the center and sew them in place. Once sewn, it should leave you with two pointed corners. To sew up the bottom, take one side of the fabric tube, and fold it over the other. If you have something in the capsule, it should be able to stand on its own, which might make it easier to sew up the bottom. Once you are pleased with the placement of the fabric, flip the capsule over so that you can work on the bottom. Sew the two side edges together to produce a tube that the capsule fits in. Cut the fabric so that the two side edges meet, and the bottom edge extends past the bottom of the capsule by a couple of inches. Then wrap it around the capsule with the "good side" facing out. Take your fabric and sew down the rough edge to finish it. Corduroy scraps make especially realistic looking overalls. Also, this provides you with an already finished edge, so you don't have to finish it yourself. For overalls, scraps from hemming pants is a great way to reuse what would otherwise be thrown away. Most of the minions in this instructable were clothed in overalls to resemble the minions in the movie, but you can dress them however you see fit. Scott towels/newspaper or whatever is available to prevent a mess ***See Step 7.

homemade minion goggles

To make the minions in the overalls, you will need the following: -large Kinder Surprise Egg (Any size egg will work, but the larger eggs are easier to work with) -1 or 2 plastic or metal bottle caps -Scissors/knife Seam ripper for making holes in the yellow capsule(A hammer and nail could be used instead of a seam ripper, but I found that the seam ripper worked really well) -Needle nose Pliers -Wire -Glue Gun with glue sticks -Paint palate -Paint Brush -Permanent Markers, Pencils and Pencil Crayons with Pencil Sharpener -Acrylic paint-Silver/grey for goggles For the eyes: white, black, and another colour for the iris -Clear nail polish -Scrap Fabric for overalls, and band for goggles -Thread and needle, and possibly a thinmble (especially if you do not have pliers) -Thick thread, embroidery floss, or wool/yarn - large needles (Be prepared to break a couple of the needles.Do not use important/expensive needles, and if/when they break, dispose of them properly so that no one hurts themselves.) -Something to fill your minion with to add weight- beads, (1/2 cup of perler beads worked well), sand, small rocks, other minions.*** etc. The materials and tools needed to make a minion will vary greatly depending on what is available, and how you decide to personalize/customize it.

Homemade minion goggles